Friday, October 25, 2019

Iowa Hawkeye

Ryan Wharton
7th period

So far this season the Iowa Hawkeyes are not doing that good. The Iowa Hawkeyes are a college football team and they are part of the big ten. Being part of the big ten is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about being part of the big ten that a lot of good players go to the big ten so they can get drafted. The bad thing is that there is a lot of competition which means it is really hard to win games.  

The Iowa Hawkeyes have been pretty good over the years. Back in 2015 they went 12-2 and they were 8-0 against big ten teams. That season was definitely one of the best seasons in recent years. That season, they went to the big ten championship game. But they ended up losing to Michigan state. Even though they lost they still got invited to the rose. Penn state and Iowa are probably my two favorite college football teams.

Image result for iowa football stadium

reading life- i am still reading holes and it is a pretty good book

Monday, October 14, 2019

browns lose to the seahawks

Ryan Wharton
7th period

this weekend the browns played the seahawks. the game started at 1:00 in the afternoon. The game started off pretty go the Browns scored on the first drive. but the Seahawks also scored on the first dive. the seahawks went for the extra point but it missed because it was really windy at the game. after that it keeps going back and forth. the one thing that really hurt the brown was the penalties. by the end of the game the brown had 18 penalties.

The final score of the game was 32-28 the seahawks won. It was a good game and a bad game for the browns. It was a close game but it felt like they were not even trying toward the end. but it was also good because they scored a lot of points. I thought that the game felt forever and players just gave up after all the penalties. the defense didn't really even play that good 16 sack wich is ok but there could have done better. next weekend they have a break but the weekend after that the browns play the patriots. So the Browns are going to need to have two good weeks of practice and rest and get ready for the patriots.

Image result for browns vs seahawks

reading log: i have been reading holes

Monday, October 7, 2019

Early Super Bowl Predictions

this year the NFL has a lot of good teams and only one can win the super bowl. last year the Patriots won the super bowl for the 6th time. this year the two teams that i think are going to go to the super bowl are the patriots and the saints. last year the saints came really close to going to the super bowl but they lost because of the referees. in the 4th quarter, the refs did not call a pass-interference when it is clearly was a pass-interference. and because of that call, the Saints lost the game.

The next super bowl is going to be super bowl 54. I think the final score is going to be 28-21 saints. so it is going to be a good game. last year's super bowl was close but the rams played really bad. the patriots beat the rams 13-3. the rams did not even look like the team they were in the regular season.
it is pretty early for super bowl predictions but so far both teams are doing good

Image result for nfl super bowl

my reading life- i am still reading holes and i am not that far into the book

Monday, September 30, 2019

saquon barkley

Ryan Wharton
7th period

Saquon Barkey is a running back that plays for the Giants. before he got drafted to the giants he played college football at Penn State for three years. at Penn State he was really good he earned immediate playing time as a true freshman at Penn State in 2015. After rushing for one yard on one carry during his first game. he rushed for 115 yards with a touchdown in his second game. he was definitely one of the best running backs to play for Penn State.

after college, he got drafted to the Giants. he got picked 2nd overall in the first round. last year Saquon had 12 touchdowns and 1,307 yards. so far this year he only played 3 games because he got injured. he has a high ankle sprain. they have not said when he will be back they are saying 6 six weeks or more. right now the Giants are doing ok there qurterback is playin really well. so when Saquon gets back they will be really good.

Image result for saquon barkley

reading life: i have been reading holes

Monday, September 23, 2019


Ryan Wharton

last Friday I got the new basketball game 2k20. the last 2k game I got was 2k17 and it was a really good game. it was probably my favorite 2k I have played. I liked 2k 17 because it was a good all-around game. It had a lot of different game modes and it was balanced. it also did not have any gambling so that was good because a lot of games nowadays try and take people's money by putting gambling in their games. unfortunately 2k20 has fell victim to gambling because in one of the modes there are slot machines. thankfully it is only in one of the game modes so it is not to bad.

this year for 2k20 I made a shooting guard that is good at three-point shooting. there is a story in the game where you go to college and play basketball there then you get drafted to the NBA. once you are in the NBA you get money called VC which you can use to upgrade your player to make him better at something like layups, shooting, defending and so on. there is also something called badges. badges help you be better at something and there are tiers for badges it goes bronze, silver, gold, and hall of fame. hall of fame tier improves your player a lot. right now I only have one badge and it is hall of fame. the badge helps me shoot better from a farther distance. so far I am really liking 2k20 it is really fun and has the potential to be better than 2k17.

Image result for 2k20

``reading life: recently I have been reading holes and it is pretty good

Monday, September 9, 2019


this weekend the browns had their season opener. the browns where the first one to score but they missed the extra point. so that was not good then after that, the Titans got a field goal. by the end of the half, it was still close. then by the 3rd and 4th quarter, it was a blowout and the titans were winning by a lot. by the end of the game, the score was 13-43. so it was not a close game was really hurt them was the flags they tied with the second amount of flags ever in football history.

the browns in the last few years have not been that good. and finally, they got a good quarterback  Baker Mayfield last year in the draft. and they have been building updraft pics for the last few years so they have a lot of good players. I watched a post-game interview with baker Mayfield and it looks lit it is going to be a good game next Monday.

Image result for browns game score

reading life
started reading holes and it is pretty good.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

what i did over the weekend

this weekend I went to a Penn State football game and an Indians game. On Friday after school, I went to Penn State because my brother goes to school there. Saturday morning I got up and got breakfast. after that, we went to go tailgate because we know someone that tailgates a lot and is a big Penn State fan. so we were there until 2:00. the game started at 3:30 the game was good the final score was 79-7 and Penn State won. on Monday we drove back to Ohio.on Monday I went to the Indians game and it was good it started raining halfway through. we end up leaving in the 6th inning. overall the weekend felt long wich is a good thing and i am hoping to go to another Penn state.

Image result for penn state football white out

my reading life: the first book I am going to read is holes. I chose this book because Mis. J tolled me that is was a good book

Monday, August 26, 2019

What i did over the summer

The summer went by too quickly as usual but the highlight of my summer was taking trips to the capital of two different countries. At the end of June brother drove me to my grandmother's house down in Dayton, Ohio.  My grandmother drove me to Washington D.C. where my Aunt lives.  The next day my Aunt and grandmother dropped me off to spend a few days with my friends from Pennsylvania that were also visiting our nation's capital.  We did a lot of walking,  visited several museums including the News Museum, took a tour bus around the city and toured the Capitol Building.  The News Museum was pretty cool.  It actually showed articles from all the major events in U.S. history.  The articles about 911 were the most memorable. My favorite monument was that of the Korean War.  This isn't really a monument but rather a field of statues (soldiers) that makes you feel like you were there with them.  Because my Aunt lives outside of D.C. I have been there several times but there is so much to see and do there it never gets old.

At the beginning of August, my family and three of my brother's high school friends went up to our cottage in Quebec, Canada.  On the way to our cottage, we pass through Ottawa, the capital of Canada.  We took a tour bus around the city and walked around a lot.  We saw the Parliament building that is comparable to the Capitol Building in the United States.  We didn't spend too much time there because we really wanted to get to the cottage.  At the cottage we fished, swimming, tubed, played board games when it rained and went quadding on trails in the woods.  The trip was very fun and the weather was great.  Both trips were a lot of fun and made it a memorable summer.

Image result for canada

My Reading Life: I don't really like to reading but I will if I have to. when I read books I usually like to listen to the book on audio.