Monday, September 23, 2019


Ryan Wharton

last Friday I got the new basketball game 2k20. the last 2k game I got was 2k17 and it was a really good game. it was probably my favorite 2k I have played. I liked 2k 17 because it was a good all-around game. It had a lot of different game modes and it was balanced. it also did not have any gambling so that was good because a lot of games nowadays try and take people's money by putting gambling in their games. unfortunately 2k20 has fell victim to gambling because in one of the modes there are slot machines. thankfully it is only in one of the game modes so it is not to bad.

this year for 2k20 I made a shooting guard that is good at three-point shooting. there is a story in the game where you go to college and play basketball there then you get drafted to the NBA. once you are in the NBA you get money called VC which you can use to upgrade your player to make him better at something like layups, shooting, defending and so on. there is also something called badges. badges help you be better at something and there are tiers for badges it goes bronze, silver, gold, and hall of fame. hall of fame tier improves your player a lot. right now I only have one badge and it is hall of fame. the badge helps me shoot better from a farther distance. so far I am really liking 2k20 it is really fun and has the potential to be better than 2k17.

Image result for 2k20

``reading life: recently I have been reading holes and it is pretty good

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