Monday, October 14, 2019

browns lose to the seahawks

Ryan Wharton
7th period

this weekend the browns played the seahawks. the game started at 1:00 in the afternoon. The game started off pretty go the Browns scored on the first drive. but the Seahawks also scored on the first dive. the seahawks went for the extra point but it missed because it was really windy at the game. after that it keeps going back and forth. the one thing that really hurt the brown was the penalties. by the end of the game the brown had 18 penalties.

The final score of the game was 32-28 the seahawks won. It was a good game and a bad game for the browns. It was a close game but it felt like they were not even trying toward the end. but it was also good because they scored a lot of points. I thought that the game felt forever and players just gave up after all the penalties. the defense didn't really even play that good 16 sack wich is ok but there could have done better. next weekend they have a break but the weekend after that the browns play the patriots. So the Browns are going to need to have two good weeks of practice and rest and get ready for the patriots.

Image result for browns vs seahawks

reading log: i have been reading holes


  1. I enjoyed watching some of the game.

  2. I thought they would win but i guess not

  3. The browns teamwork needs to get better but they could have been tired and just didn't want to keep running back and forth.
