Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Ryan Wharton
7th period

These last few weeks have been very weird. a lot of stores have shut down and a lot of people don't have jobs right now.we have been quarantined for about a month now. I was supposed to go to Florida over spring break but I couldn't go because of the virus. we are also having to do online school probably for the rest of the year. I don't think we will go back to school until after summer. because most colleges have already canceled for the rest of the year.

I have not really been able to do much since everything is closed but I have been trying to get outside as much as I can and walk the dogs. I've walked the dog a lot since the quarantine started.it is really different being with my family all the time. I hope everything can go back to normal by summertime.

How did coronavirus break out? Theories abound as researchers race ...