Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Ryan Wharton
7th period

These last few weeks have been very weird. a lot of stores have shut down and a lot of people don't have jobs right now.we have been quarantined for about a month now. I was supposed to go to Florida over spring break but I couldn't go because of the virus. we are also having to do online school probably for the rest of the year. I don't think we will go back to school until after summer. because most colleges have already canceled for the rest of the year.

I have not really been able to do much since everything is closed but I have been trying to get outside as much as I can and walk the dogs. I've walked the dog a lot since the quarantine started.it is really different being with my family all the time. I hope everything can go back to normal by summertime.

How did coronavirus break out? Theories abound as researchers race ...

Monday, March 9, 2020

philadelphia flyers

Ryan Wharton
7th period

as a kid, my favorite hockey team was always the flyers. this year the flyers are doing really good. they have seconded in there division the only other team that is ahead of them are the capitals. my family's favorite team is the capitals so they do not want the flyers to pass them.

 I think the flyers do have a chance to win the Stanley cup. it is not going to be easy the regular season is already pretty long and has the playoff at the end does not make it easy. one of these days I would like to go to a flyers game because I have never been.

Image result for philadelphia flyers

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

penn state basketball

Ryan Wharton
7th period

this year Penn State basketball team has been very good. this is the first year in a while where Penn state has been a good basketball team. this year they are going to make the tournament and they have a chance to go pretty far. I never really watched Penn state basketball because they were never really that good. but this year I have been keeping up with it

Penn State has always been an average team but this year they have a lot of players that are playing well. one of there best players name is Lamar Stevens. the position he plays is small forward and this is his 3rd year at Penn state. Penn State also has a good coach named Pat Chambers. he has been their coach for nine years so he has been there awhile. march madness starts soon and we will finally get to see how good this team really is.


Image result for penn state basketball

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

North Dakota

Ryan Wharton
7th period

Over my long weekend, I went to North Dakota. To get to North Dakota we had to take a plane because if we drive it would've taken forever to get there. On Thursday I had to leave school early because my flight was right after school. I used to not like flying when i was younger but now I actually like flying. we flew from Cleveland to Chicago to North Dakota. both flights were not that long they were both about an hour long. when we land in North Dakota it was very cold it was 8 degrees not counting the wind chill.

on Friday we looked around the campus and it was really nice. we got to take a tour of the hockey arena and was really nice probably the nices hockey arena i have been to. if i was a hockey player going to go play college I would definitely go there. That Friday night there was a hockey game and it was a good game they played Denver. the final score was 4-1 North Dakota won. there was also another game we went on Saturday that was close until the end. on Sunday we went home are flight was around noon so we didn't get home that late. overall I had a good weekend it was nice to leave Ohio for a while.


Image result for north dakota hockey

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Over the weekend i did a lot of things but one of the things I did do was watch the super bowl. the two teams that were in the super bowl this year were the chiefs and the 49ers. both teams did really well this season. last year the chiefs were one game away from getting to the Superbowl. the 49ers last season were not that good because their quarterback was injured. it ended up working out good for them because they had a got a good pick. by the end of the season, the 49ers had the second pick and they picked nick bosa who was the best defensive player in the draft. 

the super bowl I thought it was a really good game. it was close till the end. at first, the score kept going back and forth by halftime the 49ers were up by ten the score was 20-10. the halftime show i thought wasn't too bad. it is not easy to perform at the super bowl so i thought they did well. the 49ers ended up not scoring again and the chiefs would end up winning. the final score was 31-20 the chiefs ended up playing really good at the end of the good. i thought they deserved to win it because they had a really good coach that has not one a super bowl yet and i was very glad they won.
Image result for super bowl chiefs"

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

hockey game

Ryan Wharton
7th period

this weekend i went to go see a hockey game. the two teams that where playing was North Dakota and Miami. North Dakota is probably my favorite college hockey team. one of the reason, why they are my favorite, is because my dad went to college there and my whole family likes them. i am not really a fan of Miami because it is a nice college it just wasn't for me.

we stayed at my grandma's house because she is not far from the campus. we only stayed there for one night because the drive is not to bad it is only a three-hour trip. the game was really close till the end North Dakota was down the whole game. but north Dakota came back to win the game. the final score was 5-3. North Dakota is probably the best college hockey team because they are ranked number one.

Image result for north dakota hockey

Monday, January 6, 2020

winter break

Ryan Wharton
7th period

over winter break a lot happened before the real Christmas. My mom's side of the family comes over all my cousins and some of my friends come over and we have dinner and then we do a thing where there is a bunch of gifts in saran wrap and you have ten seconds to rip the saran wrap off and get as many presents as you can. you also have to wear mittens so it is harder to rip the saran wrap.

on new years eve we go to church at like eight after church we eat dinner at our house. then Christmas day we wake up and open presents at like ten. after we open presents we eat breakfast/lunch and later that night we go to the movies. after Christmas day we usually go to our cottage in Canada and stay up there for like a week. this year the lake was completely frozen so we were able to take are snowmobiles on the lake. The last day we were in Canada we went dog sledding which I have never done and it was pretty cool. later that day we went on the lake with the snowmobiles and we took a snow tube and attach it o the end of the snowmobile and it was awesome.
Image result for christmas