Monday, August 26, 2019

What i did over the summer

The summer went by too quickly as usual but the highlight of my summer was taking trips to the capital of two different countries. At the end of June brother drove me to my grandmother's house down in Dayton, Ohio.  My grandmother drove me to Washington D.C. where my Aunt lives.  The next day my Aunt and grandmother dropped me off to spend a few days with my friends from Pennsylvania that were also visiting our nation's capital.  We did a lot of walking,  visited several museums including the News Museum, took a tour bus around the city and toured the Capitol Building.  The News Museum was pretty cool.  It actually showed articles from all the major events in U.S. history.  The articles about 911 were the most memorable. My favorite monument was that of the Korean War.  This isn't really a monument but rather a field of statues (soldiers) that makes you feel like you were there with them.  Because my Aunt lives outside of D.C. I have been there several times but there is so much to see and do there it never gets old.

At the beginning of August, my family and three of my brother's high school friends went up to our cottage in Quebec, Canada.  On the way to our cottage, we pass through Ottawa, the capital of Canada.  We took a tour bus around the city and walked around a lot.  We saw the Parliament building that is comparable to the Capitol Building in the United States.  We didn't spend too much time there because we really wanted to get to the cottage.  At the cottage we fished, swimming, tubed, played board games when it rained and went quadding on trails in the woods.  The trip was very fun and the weather was great.  Both trips were a lot of fun and made it a memorable summer.

Image result for canada

My Reading Life: I don't really like to reading but I will if I have to. when I read books I usually like to listen to the book on audio.